Baseshape Modifiers
From IncendiaWiki
The baseshape modifier tab is a new baseshape option for distorting or creating an array of baseshapes.
The modifier are:
Baseshape Distorts
There are seven options for distorting the baseshapes:
- Waves I, The baseshape is distorted by spherical waves starting from the origin.
- Waves II, Box distortion.
- Twist XZ, The baseshape is twisted on the XZ plane.
- Twist XY, The baseshape is twisted on the XY plane.
- Box I, The baseshape is distorted by sine waves.
- Box II, Linear baseshape distortion.
- Gyroid, The baseshape is distorted by a Gyroid surface.
The Strength parameter is for setting the amount of the distortion.
Baseshape Arrays
There are four possible array types for the baseshape:
- Rotation Array XZ, the baseshape array is on the XZ plane.
- Rotation Array XY, the baseshape array is on the XY plane.
- Rotation Array II XZ, A diamont like variation for the array, on the XZ plane.
- Rotation Array II XZ, A diamont like variation for the array, on the XY plane.
The Sides parameter is for chossing the number of copies of the baseshape.
The Offset parameters are for displacing the baseshape center of rotation. It goes on the X Y Z axes.