Incendia NEXT

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About Incendia NEXT

Incendia Next is the new release of the Incendia series.
Most of the internal engines of Incendia are now reenginered and many of the interface elements are redesigned in a more clear and useful way.
In addition to the new interface features, Incendia NEXT includes new fractal generators, new baseshapes and new procedural generators for elements like textures, displacement maps, light gels and baseshape texures.
Incendia NEXT also includes new Color algorithms, new Shaders and new material options.

New Features

  • New color modes: Incendia now supports multiple color types, so you can color baseshapes and transformations and mix them with the actual material colors.
  • Procedural Generators


The procedural generators are now available for the following sections:

  1. Texture Generator, for Ambient and Diffuse textures.
  2. Background images.
  3. Baseshape Surface Textures.
  4. Displacement Map Baseshapes.
  5. Secondary Lights Texture Gels.

  • New Material options: Specular Colors and Shading models
  • Several new fractal generators.
  • New Mandelbrot surface options
  • Fifteen new baseshapes types.
  • The Enable New Color Modes control, located in the Main tab. Is a macro to activate the color by interpolated transformation. The color modes are located in the Advanced section of the Render Panel.
  • New Enhanced Ambient Occlusion option.


  • Both Incendia and Volumetrica are merged, so you can use both types of baseshapes (Normal and filled). The new option for filled baseshapes is in the baseshape editor.
  • Reworked Interface: Besides the size (to avoid control cluttering), most of the panels are reworked (buttons reorganized, new tabs added). for a quick example, The Material Tab
  • The old save parameter button is now removed. Instead, use the Save and Load fractal. Due to the large number of old parameter files, I will add it later, once it is fully compatible with the new system.
  • The Render Panel now includes an Advanced Tab, on here you can find the new color modes.
  • The Stochastic Mandelbrot Set changes:
    • The Zoom interface is now dynamic, you just need to keep pressed the right mouse button over the zoom panel to keep it zooming.** There's no need of baseshapes in order to change gradients, now the gradient interface widgets are included.
    • A new widget for zooming is now added, also a reset button.
  • Saving BMP and PNG files now can be cancelled.
  • Both transformations and baseshapes can include color widgets (for the new color modes).
  • The interface preview window has a larger resolution, and it also switch automatically to a high quality if there's no input (while rendering)
  • The Render thread value is now saved, so you didn't need to reassign it every time that you start Incendia.
  • The old OpenGL options are now removed, mostly because the new interface system makes it obsolete.
  • Surfaces material are now in the Advanced section of the Material Tab
  • Shadows option now includes number of samples and sampling radius for the Smooth and Occlusion shadow types.
  • Five new baseshape array modifiers:
    • Tetrahedron
    • Octahedron
    • Hexahedron
    • Dodecahedron
    • Icosahedron
  • Sematic versioning is now used in order to meet today standards. This will helps to control hotfixes and revisions. The first version is now 1.0.0.
  • Information aren't showed in the title bar anymore, now the are displayed in the bottom section of the preview panel.