Very Simple Animation Tutorial
This simple animation tutorial is for helping new users in how to make an Incendia EX animation from an example parameter file included on Incendia EX IV release.
Loading the parameter file
1. Open Incendia EX and select the Load Parameter button. Select the Anim_Creature.par file.
2. Use the Preview button to see the animation preview.
Creating a new random fractal
1. Use the New Fractal button in for generating a new fractal (use it until you get a good one).
2. Use the Preview button in order to see how the animation will look.
3. Go to the Animation Tab
The Animation Tab
1. In the Animation tab, use the Output Filename button if you want to change the animation filename (by default Anim). This step is optional.
2. Use the Render Animation button to start the animation render.
Rendering the animation
1. Once the animation process starts, the Render button will be replaced by a counter that tells the current frame render.
2. While the animation is being rendered, you will see the Wheel turning.
3. Since by default the Image Type is BMP, the animation filename will be named: Anim0.bmp, Anim1.bmp, Anim2.bmp.., The files will be saved on Incendia Image directory (accessible thought the program menu section of Incendia.
4. The number of frames is set to 36, so 36 frames will be rendered (starting from Anim0.bmp to Anim35.bmp).
The final result
Since each animation frame is 2048x2048, it was scaled down in VirtualDub and converted to the GIF format.
The image presented here is very small due to bandwidth limitations.