Simple Blocks Tutorial
This simple tutorial is for using the new Blocks interface on Incendia EX VI
The Blocks Editor Structure
This is the Main Block Editor, and its composed of the following elements:
1. The Transformation Block, there are 40 possible transformations, ranging from simple affine transformations, up to quaternionic mobius transformations.
2. The Block parameters, this varies depend of the blocks type. You can enter the parameters directly or use the widget controls if they are available (not: not all blocks use parameters).
3. The Parameters controls, These collections of widgets helps to change interactively the blocks parameters. The willbecome visible depending of the block type.
4. The preview panel control, Many Blocks uses this control to position values in X,Y,Z (the affine transformation block, for example) or just to change parameters (the gummoski-mira attractor block is a good example).
5. The transformation weight control, Just assigns probability to the current transformation.
6. The realtime point preview window, This small windows can show interactively how the blocks parameters changes.
7. The Edit Generator control, This is for selecting the Generators for the random fractal generations (The New Fractal button).
Every Block has the following controls
[ X ] Deletes the Block.
[ T ] Changes the Block Type.
[ I ] Inserts a new Block.
Starting the Tutorial
This tutorial has many steps, but they are very simple and in most cases, self explanatory.
Step 1
1. When you start Incendia EX VI, the default fractal is the Sierpinski triangle (IFS). Do not change anything
2. Press the Send to Blocks button, this will convert the IFS fractal type into a Blocks type.
Step 2
1. Notice that the fractal type now is changed to the Block type.
2. Now, go to the Editor Tab, select the transformation Tab and open it.
Step 3
1. Insert a New Block by clicking over the I control of the Block .
Step 4
1. Change the new Block type by clicking over the T control of the Block.
Step 5
1. This is the Block type Control.
2. Select the Sphere Inversion Block.
1. The effect of the new Block will become visible on the preview window .
2. Close the Transformation editor.
Here's how the fractal looks.
Basically the first transformation is composed of the combination of two blocks, one Affine Block and an Sphere Inversion. Since the other two transformations aren't changed (they are just Affine transformation), the overall figure still has a sierpinski triangle structure. Now time to make it in full 3D.
More Advanced Steps
Step 6
1. Select the Sphere Inversion Block and insert a new Block.
Step 7
1. Change the Block type of the new block.
2. Select Block #10, Rotation XYZ.
Step 8
1. Clock over the Angle Y value in order to edit it, change it to 90, so the rotation in the Y axis will be 90 degrees. Press Enter to apply the changes
Step 9
1. Now the transformation consists in three blocks: The Affine Block, The Sphere Inversion Block and the Rotation Block.
Step 10
1. This is how the resulting fractal looks .
Step 11
1. By adding an Sphere Baseshape (and adding a gradient color to it), you will get this structure.