The Render Panel

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Main Buttons


Save Bitmap


This button exports the fractal to Windows Bitmap (*.BMP) file.
If you press it while the fractal is being rendered, the rendering process stops, and the program begins to save the file.
The saving speed is determined by various factor, such as the resolution and the re-sampling quality.
There’s a percent indicator in the lower right of the view panel that show you the progress of the save process.
Once the file is saved, you can continue the render process by pressing the "Continue" button or start a new one by pressing the Render button.

Save PNG


This button save the fractal to Portable Network Graphic file (*.PNG) file.
If you press it while the fractal is being rendered, the rendering process stops, and the program begins to save the file.
The saving speed is determined by various factor, such as the resolution and the re-sampling quality.
There’s a percent indicator in the lower right of the view panel that show you the progress of the save process.
Once the file is saved, you can continue the render process by pressing the "Continue" button or start a new one by pressing the "Render" button.

When the fractal is exported to the PNG fileformat, the following rules for transparencies are applied:

  • If the fractal has no background (either skylight or image) and the volumetric for isn't enabled, the areas on where the is present are considered fully opaque, and the empty areas will appear fully transparent.
  • If the volumetric fog is enabled and the fractal has no background, the fractal areas are considered opaque, but the transparency of the areas covered by the volumetric fog will follow the fog density (more denser the fog, more opaque the transparency index will be).
  • If the image has a background enabled, the entire image will be considered opaque (no transparencies).
  • If the "AlphaC=Fog" option is enabled and there's no background, the transparency of the areas covered by the fractal will be calculated by the density of the standard fog algorithm (not the volumetric fog).


Save and Load Materials


These buttons save and load the actual configuration of the materials, including the textures assigned to the material slots.

Clear Fog


This button clears the volumetric fog buffer. Use it if you want to restart the volumetric fog calculations.

Clear Shadows


This Button clears the shadow buffer. By clearing it you remove all shadows in the scene. Once the rendering process continues, the shadow calculations will continue.

Smooth Buffer


This option is for increasing the quality of the renders, by smoothing the surface buffer.
Consult the Smooth Buffers documentation for more information.

The Parameters Tab


This Tab panel is divided in four sections:

  • Materials, for defining the materials parameters.
  • Environment Tab, for changing and defining various environment parameters.
  • Shaders, for setting different shaders effects to the final image.
  • Advanced Effects, for setting advanced effects, such as glow, color blending options and raytraced reflections.