Incendia Next v1.7 Release Notes
Release date: 30/10/2022
This release of Incendia Next has many interface changes (the mouse wheel now works for most elements), new controls as well as new baseshapes.
It also have new drawing shader and new block transformations and modified fractal generators.
What's New:
New Baseshapes:
- Contour Cylinder
- Contour Circle
- Contour Box
- Octahedral Fractal
- Menger Sponge
- Tetrahedral Fractal
- Icosahedral Fractal
- Cg Box II
- Cg Box III
- Tri Circle
- Circular Stairs
- Blocks
- Gazebo
- Distorted Round Box
- Wizard Hat
New Drawing Shader: Stipple.
This new drawing shader creates interesting images by adding some noise to the final render.

Fractal information and previews.
Every Fractal generator now includes an small information and an image preview.

Gradient Browsers
New Gradient browsers for both Gradient Fog and Baseshape gradients.

- The MouseWheel now works in most interface controls for fast scrolling, also
it can be used for editing transformations, zooming and rotations.
In the case of the TrackBalls (Lights, Transformation rotations,
and animations) moving the mouse wheel while holding the Shift
key changes the azimuth, while the Control key changes the Z rotation
around the Z axis.
- Multiple optimizations in the render engine and the previews.
- Incendia now uses the BSD 2-Clause License.
- Hexquilts 2.0 now added to the main Incendia release.
- All of the Incendia supporter programs (Quilts, HexQuilts, Snowflake,
Sphere and Geomtrica now supports the MouseWheel controls.
Bug Fixes:
- Several memory management bugs.
- Minor bugs in the render engine.